To register for a Book Arts Patch Day for Girls, just click the registration button. We offer several Patch Days each year; only the Patch Days that are still open can be selected. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
You can register an individual participant through this process or a group of up to 15 girls. Moms can also register as participants and enjoy the activities of the day with their daughters!
Payments are refundable up to a two weeks before the event. A registrant may move their registration date twice without a penalty. If you cannot make the payment through our website, please contact us to make arrangements.
Each Book Arts Patch Day is a full Saturday, from 9 am to 3 pm, filled with exciting things to do and learn. Be sure to review the Book Arts Patch Days preparation information (below). The day’s activities include a visual exploration of the world of books both traditional and artistic, papermaking, paper marbling, artistic and mechanical bookbinding, letterpress printing and screen printing their own shirt.
If you have already registered for Book Arts Patch Day, please go through the step below to prepare.
NOTE: Registration is required for all Book Arts Patch Days. Please register before continuing.
Download the Book Artists Cadette Badge Requirements (Girl Scouts of America only)
Bring at least ONE blank, light colored T-shirt for screen printing.
Sometime we offer a pizza lunch for the day, available for purchase, as well as a snack shack with snacks and drinks. You can also bring your own bag lunch or snacks if you choose.
Download the Parent/Guardian RELEASE FORM. Every registered participant must have the signed Parent/Guardian RELEASE FORM at check-in at the event. You cannot participate in the event without this form.
Plan to arrive no later than 8 am to Check-In and be ready to start the workshop.
Please let us know if you would like to stay and help as a parent volunteer (we need one or two for each group of girls).
(you can email us at and please mention the name of the attendee)