What’s coming up at the Museum? Click HERE for our monthly calendar of programs, workshops, and events.
Krazy krafts day
Saturday, April 19 | 10am to 4pm
Saturday, December 13 | 10am to 4pm
Get into the crafting spirit at the International Printing Museum's Krazy Krafts Day! These bi-annual family events celebrate the art of printing, paper arts, book making and more. They’re creative days for all kids, and for the “kid” in all of us! Activities include letterpress printing of keepsakes and bookmarks, rubber stamping, papermaking, bookbinding, paper marbling, screen printing, and so much more. Guests can enjoy mini-tours of the Printing Museum and live printing demonstrations.
Sunday, May 18 | 3pm to 5:30pm
Richard Smith’s concerts at the Printing Museum have been such a big success that he is coming back for more! Announcing a Sunday afternoon concert at the International Printing Museum with legendary guitar virtuoso Richard Smith from Nashville. From classical to blues and folk, from the Beatles to bluegrass, Richard is recognized and honored worldwide as one of the masters of finger-picking guitar.
This special intimate concert will take place at the Printing Museum among a stunning collection of working antique printing presses on Sunday, May 18, 2025 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. There will be special tours of the Printing Museum including the opportunity to produce your own commemorative letterpress Concert Poster and have it signed by Richard. Seating is limited for this very unique event at the Museum . . . don’t miss this entertaining afternoon of music with Richard Smith!
Reservations strongly recommended: $25 per person.
“The most amazing guy I know on guitar. He can play anything I know, only better.” — Chet Atkins
Saturday, July 5 | 10am to 4pm
Step into history and celebrate America's with your whole family at the Printing Museum! Guests will enjoy special tours through the Museum’s galleries, participate in hands-on printing activities such as the Declaration of Independence, and marvel at a stunning array of beautiful cars vintage cars. Live music and of course hot dogs and apple pie to be enjoyed!
independence day celebration and car show
Surplus sale and wayzgoose event
Saturday, August 16 | 9am to 4pm
We will have a large selection of letterpress equipment, wood and metal type, cuts, supplies, printing presses and more available for sale at our annual surplus sale. There will also be special letterpress demonstrations, typecasting, and more for all attendees.
book arts day for girls
Choose May 17, July 19, or Nov 8
9am to 3pm
For girls age 10-18, a not-to-miss experience opportunity to explore the creative world of the Book Arts at the Printing Museum! Advance registration is required; not open to the general public.
scout merit badge day
Choose April 12, June 21, Aug 23, Sept 20, or Nov 15
9am to 3pm
A full-day event giving Scouts the opportunity to earn their Graphic Arts and Pulp & Paper merit badges in one jam-packed day. Advance registration is required; not open to the general public.
los angeles printers fair
October 10 & 11 | 10am to 4pm
The Los Angeles Printers Fair at the International Printing Museum in Carson, California, brings the best of letterpress, book arts, and paper arts to the Los Angeles area. With the backdrop of the world’s largest collection of working antique presses, the Printers Fair annually brings together 100 artistic vendors and 1,500+ visitors to experience the creative worlds of beautiful printing, handmade books and paper arts. Exhibitors include many of the greatest letterpress and printmaking artists, who offer custom posters, printings, hand-printed cards, memorabilia, hand-made paper, and antiquarian books for sale. All proceeds from the LA Printers Fair support the International Printing Museum, a non-profit institution dedicated to the heritage, preservation, and advancement of the printing arts.
The Museum is open to the public most Saturdays, 10 am to 4pm, except when we are hosting special events or scout programs.
Admission fees and tour availability may vary during special events.